BREAKTHRU Bidyadanga

Last school holidays me and my crew homie Lamaroc had the opportunity and privilege to visit WA’s biggest Aboriginal community, Bidyadanga.

Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community (La Grange) is located on the Kimberley coast in Western Australia, 1590 kilometres from the capital city of Perth and 180 kilometres from Broome.

The recognised traditional owners of the land are the Karajarri people.

Bidyadanga is the largest remote Aboriginal community in Western Australia with a population of approximately 750 residents and is home to the Karajarri, Juwalinny, Mangala, Nyungamarta and Yulpartja language groups.

Here are some of the kids we chilled with while we were there.

We would like to thank the people of Bidyadanga for allowing us to come on to their land, as well as the Youth Co-ordinator Adrian Sibert for working along side us up there! And we can’t forget our sponsor on this trip, BRAMS and their anti smoking campaign ‘Nuff of the Puff’.

Much Love!

Photographer: Michael Jalaru Torres
Website –
Insta – @jalarufotodesign